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Strengthen safety awareness and jointly build production defense lines
Release time:2024/6/20 8:58:07      Click on the number of times:25

Xu Forging Group launches the 2024 Safety Production Month activity


June is the 23rd "Safety Production Month" in China, with the theme of "Everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency - unblocking the passage of life". In response to the government's call and the requirements of Furen Group, Xu Forging Group, based on its actual situation, closely follows the theme, carefully plans a series of activities, strengthens employee safety awareness, and builds a solid defense line for safety production. By promoting publicity, fulfilling commitments, identifying hidden dangers, and participating in safety knowledge competitions, we aim to create a safe atmosphere, ensure safe production, and lay a solid foundation for the stable development of the company.

Safety production

At the beginning of the Safety Production Month activity, the company attached great importance to it and actively mobilized and deployed it. A Safety Production Month activity guarantee leadership group was established, and the "Xu Forging Group 2024 Safety Production Month Activity Implementation Plan" was formulated. A Safety Production Month activity mobilization meeting was held, and various departments and units refined and decomposed the series of Safety Production Month activities, arranging and deploying them in a organized, planned, and led manner to carry out the "Safety Production Month" series of activities in a solid and orderly manner.


In order to further implement the company's safety production responsibility, enhance employee safety awareness, and ensure that the "Safety Production Month" activity is launched in June and continues in mind. The company's Safety Month activity support team creates an atmosphere and promotes safety knowledge through various forms such as hanging identification signs, banners, posters, etc. in the area, and increases publicity efforts in multiple channels and directions to promote the "Safety Production Month" activity and create a safety activity atmosphere. And at the morning meeting, organize all employees in the factory to sign safety banners and slogans, clarify their responsibilities, practice safety commitments and fulfill safety obligations with practical actions, enhance their self-protection and risk avoidance abilities, and truly achieve "safety in my heart, responsibility on my shoulders". Further created a safety production culture atmosphere for Xu Forging Company, worked together to ensure safety production, and promoted the deepening of the "Safety Production Month" activity. The employees participating in the signing activity have expressed that they will take practical actions in the future to fulfill their job safety responsibilities, enhance safety awareness, improve safety skills, and ensure safe production.



Safety production

During the Safety Month, Xu Forging Company strictly implements the "dual prevention mechanism of safety risk classification control and hidden danger investigation and treatment", improves the safety risk classification control system, strengthens risk source identification and early warning, strengthens dynamic tracking and supervision throughout the process, improves the safety production responsibility system assessment system, and continuously improves the ability to prevent and resolve safety risks. Led by General Manager Xu Forging from time to time every week, with the deputy general manager in charge leading the team and administrative coordination, carry out safety inspections and guidance work for various lines, conduct safety and fire safety inspections on the company's office environment, workshops, dormitories, canteens, and changing rooms, proactively analyze and identify safety hazards, conduct strict and detailed inspections of various safety hazards, and conduct re inspection and investigation of the inspection results to identify and rectify problems, make up for shortcomings, and further strengthen the safety production responsibility awareness of management personnel.


Safety production

In order to further enrich the content and form of the "Safety Production Month" activity, promote safety production policies, popularize knowledge of safety laws and regulations, enhance public safety awareness, and create a good atmosphere of "everyone talks about safety, everyone knows emergency", the Safety Committee Office of Xuzhou High tech Zone organized a safety publicity knowledge competition in the High tech Zone on June 19. A total of 18 teams participated in this competition, with Xu Zuan, Xu Haibo, Cui Xinyi, and Li Baoyang representing the company. The content of this competition covers various aspects of knowledge such as safety production law, safety production regulations, occupational health, and natural disaster prevention. It is an inspection and examination of implementing the safety production responsibility system for all employees in enterprises, creating a good atmosphere where everyone values safety, understands safety, and emphasizes safety. It also further strengthens the safety production defense line and helps enterprises develop with high quality. 18 teams competed fiercely in the preliminary, semi-finals, and finals, and Xu Forging Company won the third prize, marking a successful conclusion to the company's safety production month event in June.




     Safety is no small matter, safety is related to you, me, and him. We firmly believe that only by internalizing the concept of safety in our hearts and externalizing it in our actions can we truly prevent accidents and safeguard the safety and physical health of every colleague. Let's work together to create a safe and harmonious working environment, laying a solid foundation for the stable development of Xu forging. I think with security, our enterprise can develop and grow; With safety, our families can be happy, healthy, warm, and happy; With safety, our lives can shine and continue. It is the sincere expectation of every employee and their family to prevent the tragedy of safety accidents from happening again or less frequently, and it is also the common wish of all employees in the company!

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